Frequently asked questions

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Below, you'll find answers to frequently asked questions. If you don’t see the answer to your question here, our colleagues are happy to assist you. They are available Monday to Friday between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM.

Purple paint brush

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Purple paint brush

Contact with KiKa

If you would like to contact KiKa, please visit our contact page.

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About KiKa

Every year, almost 600 children in the Netherlands develop cancer. At this moment, 81% of these children are cured, but sadly, 1 in 5 still dies from the disease.

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What happens when you donate to KiKa?

Curious about the impact of your donations? Discover how your support has increased the survival rate to 81%

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Organize a fundraiser for KiKa

Every year, many people organize events to raise funds for KiKa. Amazing! Do you want to raise funds too? In your own unique way? Come up with a creative initiative and enjoy it!

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Purple paint brush

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